Thursday, March 3, 2011

Helping students to do better in National Dental board exams

Our aim is to help dental students  to focus on strategy to master board exams faster with intelligent reasoning.  Good preparation will  reduce mental block during or just before the exam.  Preparation techniques should Include problem solving methods and fluid intelligence.  For example, tooth number 21 would take an average student dentist approximately 15 seconds to count from upper right quadrant to the lower left.  If you can significantly reduce the amount of response time to answer these types of questions then the students  would have more time to allocate on questions that require more reasoning and fluidity of intelligence.  

Stress will have a major impact on the ability to prepare for the test.   Interactive classes and group study can help alleviate stress and bring students to higher level of confidence.  series of mnemonics introduced during the sessions will help students to memorize difficult concepts by association, exaggeration and motion. 

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